A Comparative Analysis on Forest Recreation and Tourism Policy Development Processes in the three East Asian Countries: China, Japan and Republic of Korea

Author Bios (50 Words for each Author)


Ph.D candidate in Forest Science, Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul National University (2014-present)

Master in Forest Science, Department of Forest Sciences, Seoul National University (2010-2013)

Professional Experiences

Research Fellow, Department of Forest Recreation Policy, National Institute of Forest Sciences (2014-2017)

Research Fellow, Department of Social and Economic Research, Goyang Research Institute (2017-2018)

Research Intern, the FUTUREFOREST, non-profit organization (2008-2009)

Abstract (150 Words)

Forest provide an environment where possible to relieve mental stress and to connect with nature and countryside. In response to the increasing demand for recreational use of forest, each country has not only established infrastructure, but also actively promoted policies, legislations and institutions. However, we knew much less about this trend in the Asian countries. China, Japan and Korea in particular, people have higher income than other Asian countries so that able to spend their income and time on recreation activities in forest. Therefore, forest recreation and tourism policies have evolved legally and philosophically along parallel but different courses depending on the sociopolitical and economic situation of each country. This study aims to capture the evolution and development of forest recreation and tourism policy in three countries by describing convergence theory, to present the evidence of convergence, and explaining the elements and processes of convergence in policy development of process.

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A Comparative Analysis on Forest Recreation and Tourism Policy Development Processes in the three East Asian Countries: China, Japan and Republic of Korea

Forest provide an environment where possible to relieve mental stress and to connect with nature and countryside. In response to the increasing demand for recreational use of forest, each country has not only established infrastructure, but also actively promoted policies, legislations and institutions. However, we knew much less about this trend in the Asian countries. China, Japan and Korea in particular, people have higher income than other Asian countries so that able to spend their income and time on recreation activities in forest. Therefore, forest recreation and tourism policies have evolved legally and philosophically along parallel but different courses depending on the sociopolitical and economic situation of each country. This study aims to capture the evolution and development of forest recreation and tourism policy in three countries by describing convergence theory, to present the evidence of convergence, and explaining the elements and processes of convergence in policy development of process.