Publication Date



  1. Turf on the Launching Pad (page 1)
  2. Turf management Club News (3)
  3. Education, Experience and Attitude (4)
  4. A Blade of Grass (5)
  5. Picture - Professor Lawrence S. Dickinson (6)
  6. Picture - Thomas Mascaro - Banquet Speaker (7)
  7. Planting Trees on the Golf Course (8)
  8. Two-Way Radios (8)
  9. Greens Mowing Procedure (9)
  10. Watering and Topdressing as Related to Poa annua Infestations (10)
  11. Picture - Stockbridge Majors in Turf Management (12)
  12. Picture - Graduates of Winter School for Turf Managers - 1962 (13)
  13. Review of Season's Pests by Joseph Troll (A-1)
  14. Today's Trends in Golf Course Development by Col. Harry C. Eckoff (A-3)
  15. Breeding and Selection of Fine Turf Grasses by Dr. B. R. Anderson
  16. Penncross Bentgrass by J. Dutch(A-13)
  17. Poa annua by Alexander Radko (A-16)
  18. Velvet Bent by Jesse DeFrance (A-19)
  19. Vegetative Creeping Bentgrasses by Fred Grau (A-21)
  20. Modification of SOils for Green Construction & Top Dressing by Prof. H. B. Musser (A-27)
  21. Soil COmpaction by Donald Waddington (A-32)
  22. Irrigation Practices and the Need of Basic Research by Prof. Edward PIra (A-36)
  23. Water Sources by Z. Mills (A-39)
  24. Athletic Field Maintenance by Thomas Mascaro (A-41)
  25. Planning the Landscape Around the House by Prof. Harold Mosher (A-43)


