
Guidelines for Authors

Please consult with the Editors before submitting manuscripts


Subject Range. Classical China (Spring and Autumn, Warring States), and the Empire up to Han Wu-di. Limited space is available for studies of philological problems in ancient India, or classical and Biblical Greek. Our special focus is the process of text formation, and the benefit to history when the source texts have been properly understood.

Divisions in each volume are:

Language and Methodology
Historical Studies

As a convenience to readers, articles on non-Sinological fields subjects are placed last in each section.

No book reviews, letters to the editor, announcements, thesis abstracts, memorial minutes, bibliographies, or surveys of current scholarship.

No "postmodern" approaches or presentist expositions.

Language. English. Translations of brief articles of uncommon importance, whether classic or recent, are in principle acceptable.

Audience. Professional, but not necessarily expert in the topic in question, and including specialists in other fields.


Length. We seek short articles, typically 2-4 pages as printed; 20p maximum.

Titles should be both brief and clear. We do not allow subtitles. A title may include, but should not consist wholly of, Chinese characters.

Form. The first paragraph should function as an abstract, stating the problem and summarizing the conclusion.

Argument. An extended data set may be treated as an Appendix.

Conclusion. Do not introduce new data into the Conclusion.

Works Cited. Expand all in-text short citations here. Author, Title, Publisher, and Date are sufficient information. Some standard works do not need to be listed; see the list at the back of each volume.

Further Details. See any issue, or consult the Style Sheet.