Start Date

12-6-2011 9:30 AM

End Date

12-6-2011 12:00 PM

Subject Areas

North America, colonial/imperial, politics


In the last decade, many U.S. historians, including and especially historians of women and gender, have increasingly and successfully taken up the questions of post-colonial studies across different frontier zones and contact points.  U.S. suffrage history has remained largely immune to this rich productivity, because the problem for suffrage historians is not simply one of locating empire, but of narrative structure. It is incredibly difficult to write the history of the U.S. suffrage movement without a liberal narrative of progress. And yet, that is precisely what needs to be done in order to truly revision the U.S. suffrage movement in the context of U.S. empire.


suffrage, U.S. empire, imperialism

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

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Jun 12th, 9:30 AM Jun 12th, 12:00 PM

(Re)Writing Suffrage Histories in Imperial Contexts

In the last decade, many U.S. historians, including and especially historians of women and gender, have increasingly and successfully taken up the questions of post-colonial studies across different frontier zones and contact points.  U.S. suffrage history has remained largely immune to this rich productivity, because the problem for suffrage historians is not simply one of locating empire, but of narrative structure. It is incredibly difficult to write the history of the U.S. suffrage movement without a liberal narrative of progress. And yet, that is precisely what needs to be done in order to truly revision the U.S. suffrage movement in the context of U.S. empire.


Email the Authors

Allison L. Sneider