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In this paper, I explore the emerging field of Promptgramming, a technique essential for harnessing the potential of generative AI. Promptgramming involves crafting strategic prompts to guide AI systems, a skill that becomes increasingly crucial as AI tools become more integrated into our daily technological landscape, particularly in education. I discuss the core principles and best practices of Promptgramming, emphasizing its importance in creating personalized and engaging educational content. Additionally, I address the ethical considerations and challenges that arise with the integration of AI in education, such as academic integrity, bias, privacy, and misinformation. Looking towards the future, I highlight the integration of AI into mainstream operating systems and its implications for society, calling for a focus on AI literacy and ethical usage. The paper synthesizes these concepts, underscoring the necessity for educators and society to adeptly navigate the emerging landscape of AI, ensuring its responsible and effective application in enhancing learning experiences and societal development.

