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Publication X-ray Insight into High-Energy Processes in Extreme Galactic Nuclear Environment(2022)Nuclear regions of galaxies apparently play a disproportionately large role in regulating their formation and evolution. How this regulation works, however, remains very uncertain. Here we review a few recent X-ray studies of our Galactic center and the inner bulge region of our major neighboring galaxy, M31, and focusing on addressing such questions as: Why are the majority of supermassive black holes (e.g., Sgr A*) so faint? What regulates the Galactic nuclear environment? Furthermore, what impact does a recent active galactic nucleus have on the ionization state of surrounding gas? These studies have provided new insight into how various relevant high-energy phenomena and processes interplay with extreme galactic nuclear environments and affect global galactic ecosystems.Publication Status of deforestation of Madagascar(2023-04)Several studies have reported tree cover loss at an unprecedented rate in Madagascar because of human population expansion which affects biodiversity, ecosystems, and weather patterns. Here we examine deforestation in Madagascar over the past 20 years (2001–2021). Time-series analysis of Landsat images empirically show that Madagascar, which covers an area of about 59 million hectares (230,000 square miles), has lost 4.85 million hectares of tree cover since 2000, equivalent to a 25% decrease in tree cover, and a gross estimate of 2.52 gigatonnes of CO2e – carbon dioxide equivalent greenhouse gas emissions. Without breaking the intertwined cycle of poverty and deforestation, increasing rates of extinction will continue to impact Madagascar's flora and fauna.Publication Mentors matter: Association of mentors with project success in the Apache Software Foundation Incubator(2022)Mentoring has been a subject of study for 50 years. Most studies of mentoring programs evaluate the effect of the program on the participants but do not evaluate if different mentors have different effects on mentees. Open-source software (OSS) is software with a license that allows it to be freely used by other people. Such software has become foundational to the world economy. However, many OSS projects get abandoned by their creators. Various nonprofit organizations have arisen to help OSS projects become sustainable. One of the key services offered by many of these nonprofit organizations is a mentorship program where experienced OSS developers advise nascent projects on how to achieve sustainability. We use data from the Apache Software Foundation Incubator program where 303 mentors have mentored 286 projects, with most mentoring more than one project, to address this question: Is who a project has as a mentor associated with variation in project success? Who a project has as a mentor accounts for 45% of the variation in project outcomes, with some mentors being associated with positive and some with negative outcomes. These mentors could offer insights into how to improve the mentoring program. This result also demonstrates, more broadly, that the nature of specific mentoring relationships may be important to understanding how mentors impact outcomes in other mentoring programs.Publication Towards Whole Health Toxicology: In-Silico Prediction of Diseases Sensitive to Multi-Chemical Exposures(2022)Chemical exposures from diverse sources merge on a limited number of molecular pathways described as toxicity pathways. Changes in the same set of molecular pathways in different cell and tissue types may generate seemingly unrelated health conditions. Today, no approaches are available to predict in an unbiased way sensitivities of different disease states and their combinations to multi-chemical exposures across the exposome. We propose an inductive in-silico workflow where sensitivities of genes to chemical exposures are identified based on the overlap of existing genomic datasets, and data on sensitivities of individual genes is further used to sequentially derive predictions on sensitivities of molecular pathways, disease states, and groups of disease states (syndromes). Our analysis predicts that conditions representing the most significant public health problems are among the most sensitive to cumulative chemical exposures. These conditions include six leading types of cancer in the world (prostatic, breast, stomach, lung, colorectal neoplasms, and hepatocellular carcinoma), obesity, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, autistic disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, heart failure, brain and myocardial ischemia, and myocardial infarction. Overall, our predictions suggest that environmental risk factors may be underestimated for the most significant public health problems.Publication A scoping review of community-based post-opioid overdose intervention programs: implications of program structure and outcomes(2023)Background An emergent intervention to address the opioid epidemic is the use of multidisciplinary outreach teams which connect an individual in the community to healthcare resources after the experience of an opioid overdose. While these interventions are receiving federal funding, less is known empirically to inform future interventions. Understanding the process and outcomes of these interventions is advisable due to the novel partnerships of public health and law enforcement agencies who sometimes hold divergent goals. The objective of the present review was to describe program structure and evaluated outcomes of community-based post-overdose interventions. Results A search of PubMed, PsycInfo, and Web of Science yielded 5 peer-reviewed articles that detail the implementation and outcomes of interventions delivered in the United States published from 2001 to July 2021. Most interventions used a multidisciplinary outreach team and referenced first responder data to contact individuals who recently experienced an overdose at their residence. Services offered often included referral to substance use treatment, recovery coaches, and social services. Method of outreach, evaluation measures, and outcomes varied. From the available literature, facilitators of program engagement included communication, information sharing, and leadership buy-in among multidisciplinary partners. Conclusions Future studies could benefit from exploration of service provision in rural areas, for family affected by overdose, and for minoritized populations. Community-based post-overdose interventions utilizing a law enforcement partnership are emergent with promising yet limited examples in empirical literature.
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