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Access Type

Open Access Thesis

Document Type


Degree Program


Degree Type

Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)

Year Degree Awarded


Month Degree Awarded



In this thesis, I document the ideas behind and my process for Play in the Woods, an experiment in slow theater-making that serves as a model for how dramaturgs can facilitate sustainable, holistic methods of performance. This model is grounded in feminist theater practices and the aesthetic of poor theater. In creating the performance of Play in the Woods, I as dramaturg invited participants to serve as co-creators, individually crafting pieces that examined fairytales and the role those stories have played on their lives. The performance was held out of doors at the Amethyst Brook Conservation Area on the afternoon of May 5th, 2018. This framework allowed for an examination of the role of childhood and memory, as well as space, place, and the natural world, on my and the other performers’ sense of self in light of our personal and cultural influences.


First Advisor

Harley Erdman

Second Advisor

Priscilla Page

Third Advisor

Laura Lovett
