Designing Sustainable Landscapes: Sea level rise metric


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Environmental Sciences | Sustainability


The sea level rise metric estimates the probability of the focal cell being unable to adapt to predicted inundation by sea level rise (SLR). Whether a site gets inundated by salt water permanently due to sea level rise or intermittently via storm surges associated with sea level rise determines whether an ecosystem can persist at a site and thus its ability to support a characteristic plant and animal community. Based on a sea level rise inundation model developed by USGS Woods Hole (Lentz et al. 2015). The sea level rise metric is an element of the ecological integrity analysis of the Designing Sustainable Landscapes (DSL) project (see technical document on integrity, McGarigal et al 2017). Consisting of a composite of 21 stressor and resiliency metrics, the index of ecological integrity (IEI) assesses the relative intactness and resiliency to environmental change of ecological systems throughout the northeast. As a stressor metric, sea level rise ranges from 0 (no effect from sea level rise) to 1 (severe effect). Sea level rise is only applied to future time steps; for 2010, the value of sea level rise is always zero.


Designing Sustainable Landscapes: Sea level rise metric
