
Graduate Education in Research Ethics for Scientists and Engineers: A Faculty Workshop

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This module reports on a faculty workshop in research ethics held for the NSF grant, Graduate Education in Research Ethics for Scientists and Engineers. The workshop, held January 30, 2009, assessed the project's framework and its components for a program in research ethics for graduate students. It also raised the issue of whether and how research ethics oculd be institutionalized at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. This module is also being developed as a part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation, "Collaborative Development of Ethics Across the Curriculum Resources and Sharing of Best Practices," NSF-SES-0551779.


Ethics Education

Material Type

Teaching Module

Research Area

Engineering | Life Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer

Funding for this project comes from the National Science Foundation through grant number DRL 0629377.

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