
Landscape Connectivity bottlenecks in the Moravian-Slovak Borderlands - Transport Infrastructure and Other Anthropogenic Threats



Publication Date

August 2022


Based on the findings of the TransGREEN and SaveGREEN projects, changes in land use in selected critical locations were analysed for the period after 1990, when new socio-economic conditions emerged. Aerial images and 1:10,000 topographic maps were used for the detailed analysis. Also changes in traffic intensities according to the National Traffic Census were explored. The next step was field visits to evaluate the permeability of existing transport infrastructure and other barriers in the landscape based on the principles and recommendations from the Wildlife and Traffic in the Carpathians handbook and new national Methodology of environmental audit. Estimation of future development was investigated by evaluating existing spatial-planning documentation. A selection of examples of good and bad practice will accompany the paper.
