The National Center for Digital Government (NCDG) was established in 2002 with support from the National Science Foundation. NCDG is based at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the Center for Public Policy and Administration and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

NCDG's mission is to build global research capacity, to advance practice, and to strengthen the network of researchers and practitioners engaged in building and using technology and government. The goal of NCDG is to apply and extend the social sciences for research at the intersection of governance, institutions and information technologies. For the latest information about NCDG, please visit our website.


Submissions from 2013


Brazil and The Fog of (Cyber) War, Diego Rafael Canabarro and Thiago Borne


Reflections on the Fog of (Cyber) War, Diego Rafael Canabarro and Thiago Borne

Submissions from 2012


Mapping “Diversity of Participation” In Networked Media Environments, Martha Fuentes Bautista

Submissions from 2005


Exploring E-Government Evolution: The Influence of Systems of Rules on Organizational Action, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia and Ignacio J. Martinez-Moyano

Submissions from 2004


Is Necessity the Mother of Innovation? The Adoption and Use of Web Technologies among Congressional Offices, Kevin M. Esterling, David M.J. Lazer, and Michael Neblo