Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Projects

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Degree Program

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Degree Track

Family Nurse Practioner

Year Degree Awarded



Month Degree Awarded



Contraception, Birth Control, Unplanned Pregnancy, Computers, Education


Jeungok Choi, RN, PhD, MPH


Background and Review of Literature: Unplanned pregnancy is associated with poor mother and child outcomes physiologically and psychologically. Since contraception is an integral piece of family planning, ensuring that patients have quality information to make an informed decision about their birth control choices is important. Purpose. This intervention sought to increase women’s contraceptive knowledge, correct use of their chosen birth control methods, and the number of women using birth control through the evidence-based interactive computer-based education. Methods: 20 participants were administered a pretest to assess their utilization, correct usage, and knowledge of contraception. Then, participants watched an interactive computer based educational module and were administered a first posttest immediately. Participants returned 1-3 months later to take a final posttest. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in knowledge scores between the pretest and the first posttest (paired t(19)=5.12, p <.001) and between the pretest and final posttest (pairedt(19)=3.85, p = .001). There was, however, no significant difference in knowledge scores between the first posttest and second posttest (paired t(19)=-0.58, p = .568). There was a significant increase in self-reported correct use behavior scores (paired t(18)=3.63, p = .002). The number of women using contraception increased from 18 (90%) to 19 (95%) after the intervention. Conclusions:This computer-based education intervention increased knowledge about birth control, correct use of their chosen birth control method, and the number of women using contraception. Computer based education is a promising avenue for influencing contraceptive use behaviors and contraception knowledge.

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