Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Publication Date



This study addresses language policy and language planning in the five Central Asian republics, former constituents of the Soviet Union. Language issues became crucial after the breakdown of the Soviet system, which completely changed the linguistic environment in the region. The study discusses two main issues related to the language planning in central Asia. The first section of the project describes the history of the region before 1917, when lifestyle patterns divided Central Asian residents into two groups, nomads (Kyrgyz, Kazak and Turkmen) and sedentary peoples (Tajik and Uzbek).

After a brief discussion of schooling practices in pre-Soviet Central Asia, the paper describes Soviet schooling practices and language policies after 191 7. Soviet national policy included alphabetic transformations and innovations as well. The post- Soviet language policy targets the introduction and use of native languages in schools, and organizations. The policies emphasize widespread teaching in native languages and their introduction in non-native primary and secondary schools. The study also describes how changes in the linguistic environment in the region affected the schooling practices in the region. All major stages oflanguage planning and construction in the region show that schools served as a laboratory for Soviet and post-Soviet experiments.

The second section is devoted to exploration of the role of language in maintaining ethno-social stability in Central Asia. The section discusses in-migration and out-migration issues in the history of Central Asia. The intention is to explore whether the changes in the language use patterns cause in- and out-migration from the region.


