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The reclamation of a queen: Guinevere in modern fantasy

Barbara Ann Gordon-Wise, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This study approaches the representation of Guinevere of the Arthurian legend from a Jungian-feminist perspective. Employing a revised quaternity of feminine archetypes, I indicate how the figure of Guinevere generally attracted to itself the negative aspects of the archetypes of the Mother, Maiden, Wise Woman, and Warrior. Viewed within the cultural context of the last quarter century, even the favorable depiction of the queen in several medieval romances and in nineteenth and twentieth century texts, has been perceived by modern fantasy authors as a negative portrayal. These modern fantasy writers, working within a genre favorable to revisionist characterization and drawing upon highly speculative theories of primitive goddess worship, have created a Guinevere that reflects ongoing feminist concerns.

Subject Area

British and Irish literature|Medieval literature|Comparative literature|Literature

Recommended Citation

Gordon-Wise, Barbara Ann, "The reclamation of a queen: Guinevere in modern fantasy" (1990). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9022692.
