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The effect of brand extensions on a family brand: A categorization theory approach

Jean Burger Romeo, University of Massachusetts Amherst


While the number of brand extensions has proliferated in the 1980's, there is little theory or methodology to help managers understand how extensions may affect a family brand name. The purpose of this research was to explore how brand extensions may affect a parent brand's image. Categorization theory was used as a theoretical framework. Four hypothetical extensions from an existing brand name were developed. The study manipulated an extension's product category and attribute similarity with the family brand and evaluation from an independent testing agency. Undergraduate students served as subjects. ANCOVA was performed to compare the brand's image before and after subjects encountered and received information (positive or negative) about one of the four extensions. The results were not those predicted by categorization theory. A new extension that is slightly incongruous with its brand schema may lead to an increase in brand image when consumers can resolve this inconsistency.

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Recommended Citation

Romeo, Jean Burger, "The effect of brand extensions on a family brand: A categorization theory approach" (1990). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9022737.
