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Curriculum planning in community colleges and the emerging technological economy

James M Connolly, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This study examined curriculum planning strategies at four Massachusetts community colleges: Massachusetts Bay Community College, Bunker Hill Community College, Roxbury Community College and Middlesex Community College. This examination was done through an interview process conducted throughout 1990. The interviewees were three knowledgeable officials at each of the four community colleges. The interviews were conducted in person and lasted approximately two hours each. It was the goal of the interview process to have interviewers respond to a number of questions related to the planning strategies used currently in the context of curriculum development, labor force preparation, and the emerging technological economy and questions related to planning strategies being contemplated for the future in the context of curriculum development, labor force preparation and the emerging technological economy. The data from these qualitative interviews were summarized, analyzed, and compared. Additionally, this study gathered data from five-year plans of each community college. Points stressed by those interviewed were compiled in the section on "Findings". From the "Findings," conclusions were drawn relative to the subject of this dissertation. It is interesting to note that while many might not fully have appreciated the reality, community colleges are now and will likely continue to be significantly involved in remediation as a component of their respective missions.

Subject Area

Curriculum development|Community college education

Recommended Citation

Connolly, James M, "Curriculum planning in community colleges and the emerging technological economy" (1991). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9120866.
