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Conceptualization of critical feminist pedagogy as a theoretical tool of social transformation and its applicability in a Korean context

Mee-Sik Kwon, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Education can be an important tool of social transformation by empowering, organizing, and leading poor Third World women into the process of social transformation as agents of change. However, a review of the literature and interviews with those involved in nonformal education programs reveal that formal education and most nonformal education do not fulfill this purpose. Though radical change-oriented nonformal education may increase poor Third World women's critical consciousness as poor Third World people, it does not do so for them as women. A close examination of the literature on the theory of critical pedagogy, on which these radical change-oriented nonformal education programs are based, demonstrates that critical pedagogy itself fails to deal seriously with gender issues. In an effort to complement critical pedagogy, the author attempts to conceptualize critical feminist pedagogy by integrating feminist elements and vision developed by feminist pedagogy into critical pedagogy. This initial conceptualization of critical feminist pedagogy still requires more thought and development. Nevertheless, it may provide poor Third World women with a better theoretical framework for their education by addressing class, nationality, and gender issues with equal seriousness. Further, it may contribute to a better theoretical tool for social transformation. The author's personal experience with Minjung Kyoyuk (a Korean version of popular education) and a review of the literature reveal that, although an important vehicle for a popular movement, Minjung Kyoyuk is still very much male-oriented and needs modification to be a more proper form of education for poor Korean women. The application of critical feminist pedagogy as an analytical framework to Minjung Kyoyuk helps uncover the problems of Minjung Kyoyuk in addressing poor women's issues in detail and show ways to make Minjung Kyoyuk a better tool of social transformation.

Subject Area

Womens studies|Continuing education

Recommended Citation

Kwon, Mee-Sik, "Conceptualization of critical feminist pedagogy as a theoretical tool of social transformation and its applicability in a Korean context" (1992). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9219459.
