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Community evaluation of public access cable television: 5 case studies

Ann Rose Mrvica, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This research documents current practices used to evaluate public access cable television. Five communities were studied; three in Massachusetts, one in Rhode Island, and one in Connecticut. In-depth interviews with the person in charge of public access cable television and with one member of the cable advisory committee were used as the main data source for the research. The results indicate that qualitative, non-formal evaluation modes such as discussion and public hearings dominate as the methods used in the communities studied. An interesting finding was that most of the interviewees felt subscribers of cable television did not realize they were paying for public access cable television. If subscribers do not realize they pay for public access cable television, they will not question what they are getting for their money.

Subject Area

Mass communications|Sociology

Recommended Citation

Mrvica, Ann Rose, "Community evaluation of public access cable television: 5 case studies" (1992). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9233117.
