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High school technical drawing students teach computer-assisted drafting to gifted/learning-disabled students: An action research study

Joseph Edward Ryan, University of Massachusetts Amherst


As a model program, this study utilized high school students who tutored elementary students in computer assisted drafting (CAD). The tutors (called interns) offered various aspects of Technology Education to fifth and sixth graders (called youngsters). All youngsters were classified as gifted. In addition to high intelligence, each had some learning disability. Consequently, they were both gifted and learning disabled, or G/LD. Using a case study method, this study compared five author formulated propositions to data from observations and interviews. Proposition I. Changing schools. By utilizing existing resources, teachers can bring about positive changes in school policies and procedures. The study examined a staff-initiated, adapted change in an existing classroom practice which gave school staff a sense of ownership and, therefore, encountered little of the resistance that frequently accompanies imposed changes. Proposition II. Cooperative education. College-bound students have fewer opportunities to participate in off-campus learning experiences than do non-college-bound students. Although scheduling and other difficulties work against easy implementation of cooperative education programs for college-bound students, the study demonstrated that such programs can be successful. Proposition III. Building relationships. The interns, as positive role models, provide a vital component in the affective development of the G/LD youngsters, many of whom tend to be isolates. Classroom observations indicated that the youngsters admired, respected, and confided in the interns regarding personal matters. Proposition IV. Technology and values. Fear of job loss, coupled with the fear that technology is beyond human control, causes people to distrust and/or fear technological change. The interns expressed concern regarding jobs, the environment, and, the threat of war. None expressed fear of technology or felt that it was beyond human control. Proposition V. Seeking new teachers. Because few capable students are interested in teaching careers, the study attempted to present a positive image of teaching, thereby cultivating an interest in the profession. Prior to their involvement in the study, all of the interns indicated having little or no interest in teaching. At the end of the year-long study, these views remained unchanged.

Subject Area

Special education|Vocational education

Recommended Citation

Ryan, Joseph Edward, "High school technical drawing students teach computer-assisted drafting to gifted/learning-disabled students: An action research study" (1992). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9305889.
