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The impact of structured reflective practice on the teaching decisions of in-service teachers

Thomas Edward Kelly, University of Massachusetts Amherst


Utilizing a multi-method, in-depth, qualitative approach, this study investigates the impact of structured reflective practice on the teaching decisions of five in-service classroom teachers. Over a twelve week period, participants engaged in daily reflective practice about their teaching. Through the use of daily journals, a structured format for reflection, and regular sessions with a content-expert observer/facilitator, participants became specifically aware of their teaching decisions and engaged in a comprehensive analysis of them. Most participants developed their reflection to the stage of actively generating alternative decisions to those made during instruction. The findings of the study confirm that reflective practice is a developmental competence that can be nurtured in all teachers. Further, the model described in the study can be used to effectively support the acquisition of reflective practice capabilities by experienced teachers. The participants in the study stated that the reflective practice they engaged in as a result of this training was personally and professionally validating,that it positively impacted their self image, that it gave them greater control over the teaching/learning environment, and that it increased the impact they perceived they had on learners. The study concludes that the process of engaging in structured reflective practice on a regular basis can be personally and professionally enhancing to teachers in a variety of ways. Recommendations for improving subsequent training efforts are offered and several fertile areas for additional study are suggested.

Subject Area

Teacher education

Recommended Citation

Kelly, Thomas Edward, "The impact of structured reflective practice on the teaching decisions of in-service teachers" (1993). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9316680.
