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An essay in the art of economic cooperation: Cooperative enterprise and economic development in Black America

Curtis Haynes, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This dissertation introduces a political economic analysis of Social Reproduction. It ultimately focuses in on cooperative entrepreneurship as part of a strategy of urban industrialization which can be spearheaded in Black communities in the United States. The theoretical entry point is an examination of the economic thought of W. E. B. Du Bois. This is followed with constructive criticisms leading into a brief survey of worker ownership literature. The study culminates in an examination of the acclaimed cooperative complex in Mondragon, Spain. The evolving Political Economic framework is then used to conceptually link Mondragon to Black America. Further, "Social Energy" is conceptualized as a valuable non-material economic resource stimulated through strategic cooperation. The dissertation ends with some reflections on the art of Cooperative Economics in an era of a "New Competition."

Subject Area

Economic theory|Ethnic studies|Black studies

Recommended Citation

Haynes, Curtis, "An essay in the art of economic cooperation: Cooperative enterprise and economic development in Black America" (1993). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9329623.
