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Self-concept, andragogical orientation, and adaptation to transition in a group of retired professional football players, with implications for the design of a career transition program

Beverly Anisowicz Rhodes, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This study examines the relationship between self concept, andragogical orientation, and the impact of a significant life transition in a sample (n = 140) of former professional athletes who retired from football from the 1960s through the 1980s. The research was conducted in the context of designing a career transition program intended to assist the retired athletes move into a post-football career, as a prior survey (Rhodes, 1990) administered to these subjects found that 86% would have participated in a career transition program if one had existed. Self concept was measured using Miskimins Self-Goal-Other Discrepancy Scale-I (MSGO-I) (Miskimins, 1967), with modifications to the personal construct scale. Andragogical orientation was measured using the Adult Learner Orientation Questionnaire, adapted from the Student Orientation Questionnaire (Christian, 1983). Schlossberg's Model for Human Adaptation for Transition (1981) was used to interpret the responses to the MSGO-I instrument's personal construct scales in order to determine the degree of trauma precipitated by retirement from football. The subjects were divided into seven groups, according to the length of time retired from football. Scores were computed for seven measures of andragogical orientation, twelve measures of self concept, ten personal construct scales. The findings indicate that the subjects most recently retired (0-5 years) were the least andragogically oriented, had the least favorable self concepts, and were the most traumatized by the retirement transition out of professional football. The study concludes that the most appropriate instructional format for a career transition program appealing to the most recently retired players is a four-stage process based on a developmental model of situation-specific response to trauma.

Subject Area

School counseling|Vocational education|Continuing education

Recommended Citation

Rhodes, Beverly Anisowicz, "Self-concept, andragogical orientation, and adaptation to transition in a group of retired professional football players, with implications for the design of a career transition program" (1993). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9329661.
