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A curriculum on Cape Verde

Amelia Ambrose Rebeiro, University of Massachusetts Amherst


As a American born Cape Verdean educator, I took a special interest in the educational experience of Cape Verdean students, particularly on the elementary school level. During my classroom discussions, conversation with fellow bilingual teachers, parents and other students I discovered that most elementary students know very little about their culture or heritage. After extensive research, including a visit to the Cape Verde Islands I discovered that there was no curriculum on the Cape Verdean culture in the American School system. The purpose of my thesis was to present a rationale for such a curriculum, research all of the essential components of the Cape Verdean culture, and then to actually construct the curriculum. The curriculum is comprised of nine lessons. These lessons are composed of the following: A visual introduction to the Cape Verdean people and life; The Environment of the Cape Verde Islands; A Historical Timeline of Cape Verdean Island; Emigration to America; Crioulo: the Cape Verdean language; Music of the Cape Verdean People; Food in Cape Verdean Life; Cape Verdean Currency; and Folk Tales of the Cape Verdean People. Hopefully this curriculum will be used by elementary teachers to expand the consciousness of all students regarding the Cape Verdean people and their culture. The culture and heritage of the African-American is closely linked to that of the Cape Verdean. The physical characteristics, mannerisms, idiosyncrasies, medicine, diet, and superstitions of both ethnic groups are similar. Since African-Americans and Cape Verdeans are linked in culture and heritage, a curriculum focused on Cape Verdean culture should prove to be a valuable tool for both groups.

Subject Area

Curriculum development|Elementary education|Language arts

Recommended Citation

Ambrose Rebeiro, Amelia, "A curriculum on Cape Verde" (1994). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9434446.
