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Keepers of the vision: Students' perceptions of themselves as creators and changers

Dvora Jill Zipkin, University of Massachusetts Amherst


This qualitative study undertook an exploration into the connections between creativity and change/transformation. Its purpose was to begin to understand how creativity could be used as a tool for empowerment, liberation, and transformation, and how creative techniques could be incorporated into educational efforts. Participants were students who were enrolled in an undergraduate course designed and taught by the researcher, entitled Creativity and Change. Using their coursework and interviews, this research explored how these student/participants perceived of themselves as creative individuals and as persons capable of making change in their lives and in the world, how they connected the two concepts of creativity and change, and how they utilized creative processes in envisioning change strategies. This study broke ground in two areas of creativity research: (1) looking at the effects and benefits of a creativity class from the perspective of the students who were enrolled in it, and (2) expanding on the research on climate for creativity by connecting creativity to personal and social change efforts, again, from the perspective of students. The results of this study are a beginning to better understanding the multiple aspects of creativity--expression, process, products--and their importance ta self-development, empowerment, and liberation in education. The responses of the students who participated in this study were encouraging in supporting the premise that there are multiple connections between creativity and change. They demonstrated the effects of creativity in increasing self-knowledge and self-esteem, making connections between people, envisioning solutions to social problems, expanding perceptions to incorporate different perspectives and viewpoints, breaking boundaries, and taking the risks that transformation demands. These student/participants demonstrated, through the discovery of their own creative, capable selves, a sense of empowerment arising from the knowledge that "I CAN." Being able to think outside of conventional structures and paradigms, challenging dualistic thought, and incorporating holistic teaching and learning strategies are some of the strengths and gifts of creativity. This study has shown that the openness and imagination of creative thought and behavior can become a tool to dismantle the injustices of the world and create new, transformative paradigms.

Subject Area

Curricula|Teaching|Social studies education|Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Zipkin, Dvora Jill, "Keepers of the vision: Students' perceptions of themselves as creators and changers" (1996). Doctoral Dissertations Available from Proquest. AAI9639059.
