This dissertation investigates two related notions that represent attitudes and perspectives, de se attitudes and the notion of logophoricity, based on the case study of the long-distance reflexive caki in Korean, which specifically encodes attitudes towards oneself in attitude reports or co-refers with individuals whose point of view or perspective is represented in a sentence. The main claim of this thesis is that there are distinct semantic/syntactic mechanisms for the obligatory de se interpretation of the long-distance reflexive caki on the one hand, and the long-distance binding of caki on the other. Specifically, for the semantics of the de se, I provide a unified account of the obligatory de se interpretation of the long-distance reflexive caki and (null and overt) controlled subjects, based upon Lewis (1979) and Chierchia (1989). For the long-distance binding of caki in both attitude and non-attitude environments, I take a local logophoric binding approach (Koopman and Sportiche 1989, Adesola 2005, Anand 2006, Nishigauchi and Kishida 2008, Sundaresan 2012, Nishigauchi 2014, Charnavel and Zlogar 2016, a.o.). Based on the idea that caki is uniformly bound by a local logophoric binder in both attitude and non-attitude environments, I further propose the link between de se and logophoric binding mechanisms. Our two-layered system of de se and logophoric binding ensures that the antecedent of caki must be the perspective holder of a clause containing caki and caki denotes the de se counterpart of its antecedent under attitude verbs.