Special Double Issue: "Islam & the African American Connection: Perspectives New & Old"

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Front Matter
Our Family From the Inside: Growing Up with Malcolm X
(1995) Little, Wilfred
Lecture delivered at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April 18, 1995
The Nation of Islam
(1995) Sahib, Hatim A.
That we have chosen to reproduce only six of the nine original thesis chapters is not primarily due to reasons of space. In the original work Sahib's empirical content is often subordinated to debates over methodological concerns-issues which may have been of compelling interest to sociologists a half century ago, but whichconsiderably distract from the subject of the NOI itself. For that reason the following sections have been omitted: an introductory chapter bearing on "The Nature of the Investigation "; a theoretical chapter on "Leadership and Emergence of the Cult," which, in our humble opinion, adds precious little to any understanding of NOI leadership; and a summary chapter setting forth the "Conclusions and Theoretical Implications" of the study. This section, too, may be safely ignored without injury to one's grasp of the material. Of course, those who wish to examine the methodical questions in their original flavor are encouraged to do so. One issue which may prove of greater concern to readers than these abridgments, however, is the fact that the shortened version of Sahib's thesis presented here has been lightly edited-mainly for grammatical reasons but occasionally for errors offact. While Dr. Sahib was undoubtedly fluent in his native language, the same cannot be said for his writing skills in English. For this reason one can only speculate as to whether the carefree syntax which often infuses the transcribed interviews of NOI members is mainly the product of the interviewer or the interviewee. Like most theses, Sahib': was hardly intended for publication in its original form) and would have required extensive revision had he submitted it) or sections thereof, to a journal or publishing house. As a general course, to have inserted brackets for the purpose of calling attention to editorial modifications would have rendered sections of the manuscript difficult to read, and for that reason we have usually opted not to do so. After briefly perusing the manuscript, some may wonder if it has been edited at all; one should note that only the more egregious passages have been allowed to fall beneath the editor's scalpel.
Crispus Attucks
(1995) O'Reilly, John Boyle
The Boston Massacre, March 5,1770, may be regarded as the first act in the drama of the American Revolution. "From that moment" said Daniel Webster, "we may date the severance ofthe British Empire." The presence of the British soldiers in King Street excited the patriotic indignation of the people. . . . Led by Crispus Attucks, the mulatto slave, and shouting, "The way to get rid of these soldiers is to attack the main guard; strike at the root; this is the nest," with more valor than discretion, they rushed to King Street, and were fired upon by Captain Preston's company. Crispus Attucks was the first to fall; he and Samuel Gray and Jonas Caldwell were killed on the spot. Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr were mortally wounded. --Historical Research by George Livermore, Massachusetts Historical Society.
White Backlash and the Aftermath of Fagen's Rebellion: The Fates of Three African-American Soldiers in the Philippines, 1901-1902
(1995) Brown, Scot
In the Summer of 1899, four Black regiments-the 24th and 25th Infantries and the 9th and 10th Cavalries-which had previously fought in Cuba were dispatched to the Philippines. They were part of the United States' effort to suppress Filipino Nationalist aspirations for independence. Emilio Aguinaldo had been leading a well-organized Filipino resistance to what he considered an American replacement of Spain as the oppressor. As foot soldiers for a racial imperialism, African-American soldiers in the Philippines found themselves placed in an extremely difficult situation. White Americans characterized Filipinos as they did African-Americans: as inferior and even sub-human. Consequently, when the United States military occupied the Philippine islands, it brought with it a series ofracist practices and attitudes which alienated both Filipinos and African-American soldiers.