June 2007
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Early African-American Pottery in South Carolina: A Complicated Plainware
(2007-06-01) Ferguson, Leland
This unpublished symposium paper presents ideas on possible uses of colonoware inspired by ethnoarchaeological research in Sierra Leone in 1991 and 1993. An earlier version of this paper was presented in the Symposium Can't We Just Throw It Away? Approaches to Plain Pottery. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, March 25-29, 1998, Seattle, Washington. The author is a Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of South Carolina.
One More Look into the Water -- Colonoware in South Carolina Rivers and Charleston's Market Economy
(2007-06-01) Joseph, K. W.
The "Cymbee" Water Spirits of St. John’s Berkeley
(2007-06-01) Adams, Natalie P.
A Preliminary Report on Survey, Ethnohistory, and Excavation
in the Savi Townscape and Hinterland
(2007-06-01) Norman, Neil L.
The Archaeology of Freedom and Slavery at the President's House, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(2007-06-01) Jeppson, Patrice L.