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Karnaphuli River-Life Recreation & Research Center, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Rivers are integral parts of Bangladesh & Bengali people’s life. The whole country is criss-crossed by more than 700 rivers including their tributaries. In other words, rivers formed this country as a delta and have been contributing to spring life to this land with agriculture, food, electricity, transportation, and tranquil beauty, creating opportunity for different occupations, and providing very comfortable moderate climate. Due to over population and urban sprawl, the current development pattern of the country is culminating in filling up wetlands, changing the course of lakes, narrowing down and in some cases killing rivers for urban development leaving great impact on environment. As a consequence, the country is being affected by frequent flood, deforestation, surge, cyclones, and rise of sea level due to global warming. The concern for introducing an adoptive sustainable architecture that interacts with rivers and water, protects environment as well as facilitates new developments has been noticed by scientists and scholars from every sector of development. This thesis will be emphasizing on establishing some unique architectural features that would especially be applicable for riverfront architectures, that leaves least impact on nature and respects the country’s tradition, heritage and lifestyle which are inseparable from rivers.
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