Post-Fire Damage Inspection of Concrete Structures Phase II
In general, tunnels are designed with an abundance of safety regarding structural integrity,
however, there can be uncertainty related to structural performance after a fire event. The
residual condition of a tunnel after a fire is dependent on fire intensity and duration. The goal of
this study is to correlate visual and material characteristics of structural and nonstructural
components of tunnels with fire temperature and exposure time. This can be further related to the
residual capacity of structural members in a tunnel, providing insight into safety and overall
functionality. Experimental results show that the visual response of materials with heat exposure
is variable and dependent on a number of factors. A wide range of materials were studied to
establish a well-versed collection of data that may be used in a post-fire inspection. In addition,
mechanical testing of three configurations of structural slabs exposed to different heating
regimens was conducted. The influence of heat on a structural member may be complex, and was
found to be minimal for the heating regimens and loading procedures applied. This work can
serve as an aid for post-fire investigation by providing methods to estimate fire intensity and
duration through visual observation and mechanical testing.
Technical Report