
Performance of Welker, Haines and other advanced selections in regional trials

Abstract. The objective of this study was to assess advanced selections from Rutgers cranberry breeding program, along with recently released cultivars, for their performance in different cranberry growing regions. Results are presented from trials in New Jersey, Wisconsin, Oregon, and Washington. The trials were evaluated for plant vigor, yield, berry weight, fruit rot, other relevant diseases, and fruit chemistry (TAcy, Brix, titratable acidity and proanthocyanidin). Differences were found between locations in cranberry performance. Fruit in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is smaller (a trial mean of 1.3g/berry) compared to NJ (2.3g). The Oregon trial had the highest mean TAcy (73mg/100g fruit) and Brix (10.1% soluble solids) of any growing region. Wisconsin trials typically exhibit the highest yields. Although highly variable, Wisconsin also had less fruit rot (a trial mean of 4.4% rotted fruit), especially compared to New Jersey (35%). Differences were apparent between locations in cultivar performance as well. Welker, for example, had exceptional establishment and high early yields, but was more susceptible to fruit rot and would not be as well suited to the Northeast. Our breeding program continues to address the changing needs of the cranberry industry, including increasing fruit rot resistance (FRR), climatic adaptation (heat stress), and varieties suited for current major products, e.g., sweetened dried cranberries (SDC). For example, the fruit color criteria has changed for some SDC’s processes (i.e. very high Tacy is unacceptable), making later ripening selections such as NJS98-11 better suited for high TAcy growing regions, e.g., PNW. In Oregon, NJS98-11 had a mean TAcy of 28mg/100g fruit, compared to Stevens at 70mg/100g FW or Scarlet Knight, 191mg/100g FW. Increasing fungicide restrictions and fruit rot pressure has made the development of FRR cultivars a high priority. Promising first generation FRR breeding selections have been developed and are performing well in WA, WI, and NJ trials. Second and 3rd breeding cycle populations derived from FRR selections have now been planted in three locations.
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