Learning Together: A Cultural Approach to Community Development
A practical guide to understanding the real-life, complicated issues that arise when two cultures interact. The manual is organized around issues rather than as a step-by– step guide. Part I, “A Conceptual Framework,“ introduces the concepts of cultural awareness and the process of cross-cultural adaptation. Part II, “Community Development Processes,” presents community development processes through the cultural lens introduced in Part I. Each chapter can be read independently or in conjunction with the other chapters. In writing this manual, we hope to help practitioners in all areas of community development and education assist the growing numbers of newcomer groups (refugees and immigrants) in the United States and other countries adapt to their new environment. Fundamental to this goal is our desire to equip newcomers with the "cultural tools" they need to function within American society while still preserving their traditional culture. In addition, we wish to aid practitioners in learning about the specific circumstances and issues important to these groups in order to serve them more responsibly and effectively.
Center for International Education, UMass Amherst