
Author Instructions

All manuscripts should be submitted online at http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/submit.cgi?context=jmap. You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one. Once you have logged in, click on the Submit Manuscript link and follow the step by step directions for online submission. Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding its submission for publication has been approved by all of the authors and by the institution where the work was done; further, that any person cited as a source of personal communications has approved such citation. Written authorization may be required at the Editor’s discretion. Articles and any other materials represent the opinions of the authors and should not be construed to reflect the opinions of the Editors or the Publisher.

Follow the instructions below to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Medicinally Active Plants. Shortly afterward, you will receive an email confirming your submission.

The submission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Review each of the following documents:
    Manuscript Submission Agreement

    I hold the copyright to this article or have been authorized by the copyright holder(s) to upload this article for distribution, and agree to permit this document to be published in the Journal of Medicinally Active Plants, an online, peer-reviewed, international journal for research related to medicinal and aromatic plants.

    I further certify that this manuscript represents original research or a review of research related to medicinal and aromatic plants, and that this manuscript has not been previously published nor currently under review for publication by another journal.

    I understand that submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by referees for comments and suitability for publication. Final decision of publication of a manuscript will he decided by the Board of Editors in cooperation with the Executive Editors of the Journal.

    I, the undersigned, have permission of all authors to accept these conditions and my digital acceptance indicates I accept full responsibility for any errors in the manuscript or author disagreements.

    I, the undersigned, transfer the copyright of the published paper to the American Council for Medicinally Active Plants.

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    Submission Fee

    A non-refundable, submission fee is required before your manuscript will be accepted for review and sent to referees. The fee, $50 U.S, must be paid in full to American Council for Medicinally Active Plants (ACMAP) by submitting a check on a U.S. bank or through the use of Paypal.

    Submit fee to:
    American Council for Medicinally Active Plants, Inc.
    Dr. Gary W. Stutte, Vice President and Executive Director
    P.O. Box 1761,
    Titusville, FL 32781

    For those who can submit payments electronically, please submit at https://acmap.org/form-page/submit-a-manuscript/.

    Active members of the America Council for Medicinally Active Plants may publish two articles per calendar year without paying a submission fee.

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    Sample Manuscript

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    Author's Checklist for ACMAP Manuscripts
    Please be sure to carefully verify each item
      • Font is Times New Roman (TmsRm) for the manuscript text and must be submitted as Word® documents.
      • Margins are:
        Top2.7 cm0.90”
        Bottom3.5 cm0.85”
        Left1.9 cm0.75”
        Right1.9 cm0.75”
      • Text is justified to fill entire printable area, but does not exceed margins
      • All text (except title and tables) is 12 pt; Title is in TmsRm14 pt, tables are TmsRm 10
    • TITLE
      • Bold, 14 pt Font, left justified
      • First letter of each word in title is uppercase, except for words such as “a,” “the,” and “of”
      • Author names are written on second line below title with given (first) name or initial followed by family (last) name of all authors
      • All initials are followed by a period with no space between initials
      • Author(s) with differing addresses shall be marked with a superscript Arabic number associated with address; addresses shall be complete with affiliation, city, (state, postal codes), and country
      • The corresponding author will be marked by asterisk following the name
      • Text is 12 pt, not bold
      • The text “*Corresponding author” followed by the corresponding authors email shall be placed on second line below author affiliations
      • The date will be added by the editors
      • Heading Abstract is bold, 12 pt, left justified with first letter of Abstract in uppercase
      • Text of abstract is single spaced bold, 12 pt and justified
      • No citations in abstract
      • Heading Keywords: is bold, 12 pt, left justified
      • Keywords are alphabetized, not bold, 12 pt
      • Keywords are words NOT contained in the title, but are words that reference the subject material
      • Second line of keywords is a hanging indent that aligns with first keyword in above line
    • TEXT
      • Headings Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion are bold, centered, 12 pt, and followed by a blank line
      • Text is single spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt and not bold
      • Subheadings are left justified, written in italics with the first letter in uppercase, followed by a period
      • Citations in text are by author, year and enclosed in parentheses (Author, year)
      • Multiple citations within same set of parentheses are alphabetized and separated by a semicolon
      • No blank lines are placed between paragraphs
      • All paragraphs are indented by 0.89 cm or 0.35 inches
      Use this section to acknowledge research support, personnel, and other items.
      • Heading References is bold and centered
      • All listed references must be cited in text, tables, and/or figures; references not cited in text must not be listed
      • References are arranged alphabetically by first author’s family (last) name (if multiple articles by author are cited, arrange citations as single name first, alphabetically by second author, third author …, by date of publication)
      • Second line of references is a hanging indent (0.6 cm or 0.25 inches)
      • All authors of paper must be listed, do not use et al. to substitute for names in References section
    • TABLES
      • Tables must be consecutively numbered using Arabic numbers, have a relatively short, succinct title, fit within page size (width of 7.38 cm (3.4 inches) (maximum table width is 14.76 cm (6.8 inches), be typed in TmsRm 10 font, have all columns an units labeled, and be followed by consecutively numbered footnotes as necessary to more fully explain abbreviations, measurements, sample size, statistical tests, and other pertinent information
      • Each table is on a separate page
      • First letter of first word in title is uppercase
      • First letter of first words in column and row headings are uppercase, the first column is generally the fixed variable, the first row is generally the experimental control
      • Units are associated with each column
      • All decimal points are aligned (use decimal tab, do not use space bar)
      • Table footnotes are self-explanatory and support table
      • Figures should fit within a width of 7.38 cm (3.4 inches) (maximum figure width is 14.76 cm (6.8 inches)
      • Each figure is on a separate page
      • Figure titles are below figures, title is relatively brief, but indicates subject material
      • Abscissa and ordinate (x and y axis) are labeled and include units and must be large enough to read
      • All lines, bars, sections, plant material in figure must be clearly identified
      • Footnotes are self-explanatory and support figure
      • The submitted manuscript must contain original research work by the authors and not be submitted nor published by another journal
      • Avoid verbose language, use real subjects in sentences (avoid the word “it” and the phrases “There is, There are, There was, and There were”)
      • Use American English spellings
      • Locate and correct all errors
      • Sign and submit manuscript submission agreement
      • Submit submission fee payment to ACMAP Treasurer (Manuscript will not be reviewed until payment is received in full)

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  2. Read and accept the Manuscript Submission Agreement on the following page
  3. Provide information about yourself
  4. Provide information about any authors
  5. Upload your manuscript and related items

Before you begin, please be sure you have the following items:

  • Manuscript Title
  • An abstract (Do not separate)
  • Keywords for your article
  • Article in Word format.

No part of the submission is final until all steps have been completed and you click the final Submit button. The review process begins as soon as Journal of Medicinally Active Plants receives a readable article, along with the abstract and article title. You may revise any of these elements later by clicking the submitted article's title on your My Account page.