Presentation Type


Session Abstract

In addition to reducing costs, free and open source (FOSS) tools offer new opportunities for both students and instructors. This presentation shares first-hand experience with the FOSS tool ClassDB and outlines how ClassDB has replaced a commercial system, aided student learning, reduced instructor effort, and provided new opportunities for students to learn modern skills employers seek.

Presenter Bios

Dr. Sean Murthy is a member of the Computer Science faculty at the Western Connecticut State University. He also heads the Data Science & Systems Lab (DASSL, read dazzle) which conducts research in data science and data-intensive systems. Dr. Murthy has extensive experience in Computer Science teaching and research and has also been an employee or consultant in Information Technology industry. He has developed many commercial and open-source software and has published peer-reviewed papers in Computer Science.

Start Date

31-5-2018 2:00 PM


May 31st, 2:00 PM

Employing FOSS Tools to Improve Learning and Increase Opportunities


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