<em>Paperbark</em>, Issue 03
Publishing a magazine is difficult. Publishing a magazine following a year-long hiatus, with an almost entirely new staff, amidst a lingering pandemic is exceptionally difficult. The magazine you hold in your hands is made up of 5,104 Slack messages, over 500 emails, 255 submissions, 43 individual donors, 21 contributors, 14 exhausted staff members, three generous grants, and one spectacular faculty advisor. The Paperbark staff are humbled and delighted to present Issue 03. The artwork, photography, poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and interviews within this issue are quiet and loud, local and global, lovely and terrible. We are overwhelmed by the beauty held within this issue. As always, Paperbark remains dedicated to exploring the intersection of science and art, to publishing work which engages with our ecological crisis, and to the creative possibilities of regeneration. Featured here are award-winning writers, scientists, and artists, as well as up-and-coming voices for whom this magazine is their first publication. We are honored toshare their work with you. Before I leave my textual podium, I’d like to thank the following: Paolo, Mikaela, and Joey, our in-desperate-need-of-a-raise undergraduate design team; Jay Pisco, our Marquis printing representative and UMass alum, for answering my panicked texts about paper stock at all hours of the day; Tom Racine, our English Dept. Business Manager who is dearly tired of seeing my name on an incoming call; Darci Maresca and Madeleine Charney for their long devotion and steady hands; Ezra Small for working tirelessly to diminish the carbon debt of our campus; and of course, our dedicated leader Noy Holland, without whom this magazine would have shuttered in 2019. Thank you, thank you, thank you.