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The documents in this section chronicle the creation and history of the Center for International Education (CIE) at UMass Amherst. They include the: the original planning document; a history of the first 25 years of CIE, and an analytic document that examines the factors which made the unique structure and its success possible.
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Publication Where We're At(School of Education UMass Amherst, 1969-01) Schimmel, DavidThis is a progress report, written at the end the Fall 1968 semester, of the planning seminar on the creation of a Center for International Education at UMass Amherst. It summarizes the purpose of CIE, program highlights, academic programs, then current development projects, and brief profiles of the students in the seminar - known as Fellows.Publication Seminar for Graduate Students in International Education 1968-1969(1968-69) Schimmel, DavidThis is the document announcing a highly unusual graduate course for students in International Education who are interested in participating in the design of a new Center for International Education. Students will be expected to identify and pursue topics in International Education, to examine the possible roles of RPCVs and foreign students, to find and evaluate published sources of information about international education, and to design an academic program in international education.Publication Draft Proposal for Programs to be Offered by CIE(School of Education, UMass Amherst, 1969-12) Multiple authorsThis is the founding planning document created by a group of graduate students and faculty in 1968-69 charged by the new Dean of the then School of Education.with creating a new Center for International Education, subsequently known as CIE, at UMass Amherst. The group set out to define CIE and its associated degree programs. The plan became the basis for the creation of CIE.. The document contains sections laying out the purpose and design of CIE along with detailed plans for the content of associated Master's, doctoral, and undergraduate degree programs. The students in the group were an unusual group of mid-career people all of whom had significant experience working in education in developing countries. The process reflected a recognition that students could be learners, active participants and valued resources in their own programs. At the time, this was a radical departure from traditional views on the role of students. CIE became a internationally known program, attracting students from all over the world as well as implementing multiple development education projects around the world. CIE thrived for the next 50 years.Publication Publication Training "Deep Practitioners": 50-years of the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst(2021-01-01) Evans, David R.This chapter presents a brief analytic history of the initial 50 years of the Center for International Education (CIE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst with the goal of understanding what made it possible and what can be learned from it for the future of Comparative and International Education programs in other universities. The chapter begins with the unusual context in which CIE was created and its commitment to a synergistic linkage between academics and managing funded, development education programs. The discussion then describes CIE’s defining characteristics, the challenges it faced, its current situation, and the insights that can be gleaned from its history. The chapter concludes with comments on the implications for the future shape of CE/IE graduate programs and centers at universities. The author is the Founding Director of CIE who has led the program for most of its 50-year history.