Basic and NonFormal Education Systems (BANFES) Project

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  • Publication
    BANFES Project Final Report
    (1991) Pursley, Linda A.
    There are no outstanding evaluation recommendations at Component II (NTTC), so I have chosen to report my work by logframe outputs, using the question and answer format developed by the Project Evaluation Office for conducting interviews and collecting data on initiatives which were not otherwise evaluated. The second section relates my work to the relevant contractual obligations. Finally, I attempt to summarize what has been accomplished, and to reflect on the current situation and possible directions for the future. My work with BANFES in Lesotho covers the period beginning in September 1985 and concluding in February 1991. Throughout this period, I have been assigned to work as "Practical Skills Education Specialist" at the National Teacher Training College (NTTC). In late 1988, I was asked to work cross-component with the Horne Economics and Health and Physical Education Divisions at the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC). Following the departure of the previous component coordinators in January 1990, I also assumed respons~bility for coordination of Component II.
  • Publication
    Final Report 1991
    (1991) Schorn, Frank
    Staff development has been a central theme for the BANFES project over the past 5 years and training has indeed pervaded every aspect of the project in all its goals, tasks and accomplishments. Trained and confident Ministry of Education (MOE) personnel were considered critical to assure effective systems, procedures, curriculum and materials. It was expected that trained individuals would continue to improve Lesotho's education system. This report is a review of tasks and accomplishments associated with the coordination of training for a complex and decentralized project which involved over 10 000 participants in 300 activities. Included in the report is a review of the process and procedures used in for establishing the BANFES training component as required by the Project Document, an outline of the logistical support provided and a summary of outcomes both in terms of completed training and structures for institutionalization and sustainability that were established. It should be noted that my tasks were twofold: To establish a mechanism resulting in the effective coordination of all project training based on needs identified at each component by Technical Advisors and local staff. To help establish a Ministry of Education training infrastructure which could be useful after the completion of the Project.