About STEM Ed

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The University of Massachusetts Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Institute (STEM Ed) is dedicated to improving K16 STEM education.

The origins of the Institute go back to an electronic bulletin board for teachers established in 1986 with a grant from the UMass President’s office. This effort led to workshops for teachers on educational technology, and starting in 1989, workshops on science funded by federal and state grants. The Institute was formally approved by UMass in 1996. Its broad mission is to aid the campus in improving STEM education at all levels. The specific programs evolve over time as needs and funding sources change, but the Institute continues to be successful in serving the campus and larger community

Programs fall into several categories:

• Professional development for STEM K12 teachers (STEM DIGITAL, IPY STEM Polar Connections, STEM Earth Central, etc.)

• Informal STEM education (STEMRAYS)

• Programs for STEM college students (STEMTEC)

• Programs for graduate students in Education (STEM Bridge for Noyce Scholars) or in STEM fields (STEM Connections GK12 Project)

• Conference (STEM ACT)

The documents associated with these programs vary but may include K12 educational materials (PowerPoints, student handouts, and teacher write-ups), grant proposals and evaluations, and conference presentations and proceedings. Most are in PowerPoint or Word format rather than PDF's so that teachers can modify them to suit their needs.

In recent years research grants have required a “Broader Impact” component, and teacher workshops have been an attractive option. These have been as little as half day sessions (Science and Engineering Saturday Seminars), two day summer institutes for 10 teachers (Patterns in Nature), or week long summer institutes for 25-30 teachers (Nanotechnology Summer Institutes). Publishing on ScholarWorks the materials created for these programs represents an additional Broader Impact.


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