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  • Publication
    Matahina Dam Elver Pass Development, Installation, and Fisheries Aspects
    (1992) Gibson, W; Boubee, J
    None supplied. From summary: The pass componentry and location on the structure which had been determined prior to the 1990/91 elver season, was installed in early 1991. Between the end of this season and the 1991/92 season refinements to the pass were made to both security and function. Fluctuating lake levels, along with installation of automation equipment showed the demand for a second water supply to combat loss of water. The entry to the pass at the tailrace on the left hand side of the power house has attracted elvers. Some elvers also climb the spillway step and wall and continue on up the pass. However, elvers still gather at the transformer cooling water outlet on the right bank, and also on the draft tube stoplog platform. Elvers have no difficulty in climbing the troughs and pipes and drainage channels, and hence the pass is readily passable to these juvenile fish, and is working as intended. The success overall will be to have the pass without competition from the other collection points around the station. Several hundred climbing Galaxiid juveniles (whitebait) and at least 15,000 elvers used the pass in the summer of 1991/92. The elver migration began in mid January 1992, peaked on the full moon in January and ended soon after new moon in early March. Maximum migration occurred around midnight and was lowest during daylight hours. The number of elvers using the pass could have been several fold higher had the water supply to the pass been reliable.
  • Publication
    Smolt Passage Behavior and Flow-Net Relationships in the Forebay of John Day Dam
    (1984) Giorgi, A E; Stuehrenberg, L C
    During 1983, the research program had three separate but complementary phases - monitoring current patterns in the forebay, defining fish distribution with purse seine sampling, and describing the migration routes of salmonid smolts using radio tracking techniques. Preliminary results from the radio-tracking and purse seining operations in FY83 suggest that the discharge from the John Day River and the turbid plume it forms in the forebay may have a pronounced effect on the distribution of smolts, especially chinook and sockeye salmon, as they approach the dam. The implication of these data is that the plume may be shunting salmon toward the Washington (spill) side of the river where they would be more susceptible to spill passage. This resulted in higher spill passage of tagged chinook salmon than the proportion of water being spilled. In contrast, spillway passage of steelhead not influenced by the plume is approximately the same as the proportion of water being spilled. These findings are based on limited data and must be considered preliminary at this time. Data describing the current patterns have just recently been reduced to a usable format and have not yet been correlated with findings from radio tracking and purse seining. Such data will be incorporated into an overall analysis of the relations of current patterns and John Day River discharge to fish migration patterns. Representative examples of prevailing current patterns during the spring migration have been completed and are included in this document.
  • Publication
    Comments on Appendix A Roseton Generating Station Unit 2 Intake Velocity Monitoring Study
    (1994) Fletcher RI;, R I
    None. First paragraph: This commentary is directed in particular to the misinterpretations of flow speeds and instrument measurements appearing in the cited report. The flow speeds shown on the diagrams of the Roseton report are universally incorrect when compared with the data tables, and in some cases should be five or six times higher than shown.
  • Publication
    The Effect of Four Light Conditions Upon the Impingement of Year Plus Steelhead Trout, Chinook and Silver Salmon
    (1955) Fields, P E; Adkins, R J; Carney, R E; Finger, G L; Johnson, D E
    A total of 12 groups each containing 100 year plus steelhead trout, or chinook or silver salmon were tested under four light conditions in an experimental flume with velocities of 3.0 fps for 45 minutes, and 4.0 fps for the next 15 minutes. The time at which each fish was impinged on the 1/2 inch wire mesh retaining screen at the downstream end of the flume was recorded. The four lighting conditions were: (a) 20 degree angled light barrier across both sides of the flume, (b) 90 degree blocking light barrier across both sides of the flume, (c) all light, and (4) all dark. Steelheads were least and chinooks most dependent upon the light cues to avoid impingement. The 90 degree light barrier and overall light were about equally effective in keeping chinooks and silvers off the screen. The 20 degree angled barrier was successful in deflecting a significant proportion of all three species into the dark channel after they were fatigued, where they were eventually impinged. The total swimming time before impingement was shortest in the dark for the chinooks and silvers, and least with the 90 degree barrier for the steelheads. The experimental condition productive of the longest swimming time for the chinooks and silvers was the 90 degree barrier and all light (no significant difference between them) and all dark for the steelheads (not significantly different from all light). On the basis of the avoiding response to the angled barrier, the steelhead were the most sensitive to light stimuli.
  • Publication
    Fish passage and culvert installations
    (1972) Gebhards, S; Fisher, J
    Idaho waters support the endeavors of 418,000 fishermen. Streams receive an estimated 56 percent of the total annual fishing pressure. In 1968, this amounted to 1,655,000 angler days and 12 1/2 million dollars expended for stream fishing. A large proportion of Idaho stream fisheries consist of wild fish populations. Unless free access is provided to spawning areas, valuable fisheries could be diminished or lost entirely. With today's emphasis on improved transportation, highway construction, timber access, etc., the design engineer plays an important role in the maintenance of our fisheries resources.