Afghanistan: Higher Education Projects

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CIE managed three large, USAID-financed projects in Afghanistan intended to strengthen the higher education system at individual universities and at the Ministry of Higher Education. The Higher Education Project (HEP) took place between 2006 and 2011. It was followed by a second Higher Education Project (HEP2) which ran from 2011 until 2014. It in turn was followed by the University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP) from 2014 until 2019. For all of these projects CIE was a sub-contractor first with AED and then with its successor FHI360. The total value of the CIE contracts was over $53 million.

The collection includes a variety of educational materials and reports generated by CIE during the three projects.


Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Culture and Motivation
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2015) Omar, Wahid
    This article explores ways to create sustainable incentives to motivate Afghan faculty members in the context of their own culture, help them determine their goals, and strengthen their capacity while encouraging them to perform voluntary work. The author suggests that examination of the culture of the Pashtuns, the dominant cultural group in Afghanistan, will help to understand the challenge. The author proceeds to examine Pashtunwali, the democratic, socio-political culture, law and ideology of Pashtun society inherited from their forefathers and carried on to the present generation. He explores multiple codes of conduct within Pashtun society as a way to address the challenge. In conclusion he argues that since training is about communication and transmission of knowledge and skills, it has to account for cultural practices and accommodate them as much as possible. Sustainability works only if programs are based on something tangible in the local culture and motivation cannot be dissociated from this context.
  • Publication
    Afghanistan Higher Education Project (HEP2)
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2012-08) Multiple Authors
    From 2006-2011 the Afghanistan Higher Education Project (HEP) addressed the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Strategic Objective 7, “Improved preparation of teachers at Afghan faculties of education in universities and 4-year teacher training institutes”, and “Improved administrative and policy framework to sustain quality teaching, learning, and culture of excellence” and later Assistance Objective 3 “Improved Access to Quality Education.” HEP was part of umbrella programming to improve access to quality education throughout Afghanistan. Since 2006 HEP has worked with the 18 Education Institutions that offer four-year teacher education programs to improve institutional management and the quality of university instruction and since 2009 with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) on quality assurance and capacity building. From 2006-2011HEP was a collaborative effort involving the Academy for Educational Development (AED), Indiana University (IU), and the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass). In 2011 USAID felt that HEP achievements were having an impact on higher education and a one year HEP 2 project was awarded to UMASS as the prime implementing partner with a sub-award to Indiana University for English, Science and Math programming.
  • Publication
    Afghanistan Higher Education Project (HEP)
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2014-02) Multiple Authors
    Report on the activity of CIE in implementing a five=year, large-scale, higher education development project (USWDP) in Afghanistan. The project had four components: 1) Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Higher Education; 2) Strengthening Graduate Programs; 3) Faculty Development; 4.) Introducing Associate Degree Programs.
  • Publication
    Afghanistan University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP)
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2014-06) Evans, David R.
    A PowerPoint presentation introducing the new Afghanistan University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP) and the transition process from the previous HEP2 project. It summarizes the achievements of the two earlier HEP projects and the challenges of new USWDP. project.
  • Publication
    Basics of Academic Research
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2013-07) Multiple Authors
    The purpose of this “Basics of Academic Research Module” is to provide all professors both young and old the basic elements of academic research. It is hoped that this module will be a tool to assist them with promotion within their institutions, but also contribute to the Afghan academic community. Finally, this module is also a tool to teach students critical research skills that they will need to carry on scholarly work for future generations. It should be noted that an academic research course generally takes at least 6 weeks to a semester. This is a training outline that provides information on different elements of academic research to be delivered once a week over a six week period so that can complete their homework. For each of the six activities it provides a pre-reading discussion, a reading, a post-reading activity, a in-class practice, and homework.
  • Publication
    Using Case Sudies as a Teaching Tool
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2012-12) Multiple Authors
    The document Introduces the basics of creating and applying case studies as a tool for learning in the classroom as a way to engage students in active learning. it suggests ways to use case studies in large classes. The contents include nine detailed training modules with illustrative case studies