Jeong, Miyoung

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Research Projects
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Job Title
Associate Professor of Hospitality Operations and Technology, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Isenberg School of Management
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Green marketing
Hospitality Operations
Hospitality Technology
Lodging operations
Online information search behavior
Quantitative Decision Making
Self-service technology
Website quality

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Impacts of "Green Movement" Cues of a Lodging Website on Customers' Emotion and Behaviors
    (2011-07-30) Lee, Seonjeong; Jeong, Miyoung
    Along with increased concerns about the green movement in society and academia, this study conceptually discovers how green movement cues influence customers’ emotions, cognition, brand attitudes, and further their behavior intentions by applying the well-developed advertising processing model in an online environment—the modified Affect Transfer Hypothesis (ATH) model. In addition, this study aims to investigate how two different green movement indicators (i.e., functional and emotional cues) might influence customers’ emotions as well as cognition towards website advertising, brand attitudes, and further their behavior intentions differently in the context of lodging websites. Implications for academia, industry, and public policy are provided at the end.
  • Publication
    A Conceptual Framework to Measure E-Servicescape on a B&B Website
    (2009-08-01) Jeon, Myunghee (Mindy); Jeong, Miyoung
    E-servicescape contributes to facilitating the online customer’s surfing experiences in the course of casual navigation, collecting information, or purchasing a product/service. Despite its importance, few studies on e-servicescape have been noticed in the context of the lodging industry, specifically bed and breakfasts (B&B). This study attempts to examine the dimensions of e-servicescape (ambient, design, search aids and slogans, and functional aspects) as antecedents of perceived e-servicescape quality of B&B Website. It also attempts to measure e-servicescape quality of a B&B Website. Additionally, this study investigates dimensions of the e-servicescape that are the most influential on customers’ decision-making in the selection of a B&B.