Panel 12. Paper 12.1: Rural landscapes and urban development in Latin America
Within the expansion of the concept of heritage, in the last decades, some new ideas have gained a decisive and innovative role. "Cultural landscapes", for instance, adopted by UNESCO since the early 1990s, inextricably combines the material and immaterial aspects of the heritage concept, that formerly was often thought separately. It also enhances the significant interactions between man and the natural environment. Thus, this concept seems to offer a rich perspective when applied to the traditional ideas in the field of conservation. Considering the historical centres, for example, its’ perspective could be significantly broadened, allowing interpretations that focus on the interactions between the natural and cultural aspects, including the tangible and intangible dimensions of these ensembles, which often are ignored. From this expanded understanding, it seems possible to propose integrated strategies of intervention that, by combining these different aspects, could be a better response to the complex challenges of urban conservation.