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Cultural Communication For New Nurse Residents: K.I.N.D Communication Toolkit

Background: Microaggressions can create a hostile work environment and decrease rapport and functioning in clinical and personal relationships. Exposure to micro aggression and implicit bias results in micro trauma and possible compassion fatigue by medical staff. Symptoms can include headaches, poor sleep, depressions, and anxiety, similar to compassion fatigue. Purpose: To develop a toolkit for healthcare staff to use as educational material to facilitate for cultural communication and cultural humility. Methods: Nurses that were enrolled in a nurse residency program at a level 1 trauma center participated in the education of a communication toolkit related to K.I.N.D communication project. K.I.N.D stands for knowledgeable, inclusive, non-bias and delivery. It was developed in part of a capstone project that focuses on implicit bias awareness in communication to decrease microaggressions and increase health outcomes for disadvantaged populations. Education was provided using PowerPoint, interactive activities, videos and open-ended dialogue discussions. Results: The Cultural Assessment Screening tool was administered both pre and post to 35 new nurse residents with resulting changes in cultural competence scores not statistically significantly. However, qualitative data yielded positive responses, reporting personal experiences with implicit bias and a desire to utilize resources in the tool kit as well as an appreciation for the in-service. Conclusion: Utilization of toolkit increases awareness of cultural micro aggression, implicit bias by healthcare staff and decrease micro traumas in the clinical setting an. While survey tool may not have been sensitive enough for the specific intervention, qualitative data was able to yield positive results and feedback regarding the toolkit.