Panel 12. Paper 12.2: Public policies, cultural landscape and rural development
This panel incorporates two case studies of cultural landscapes and their management in Mexico and Bolivia. According to a new vision of government after the Mexican Revolution, it’s established in Mexico, in addition to the “ejidos”, a policy of production and settlement in rural areas, based on the generation of irrigation systems. Thus, from 1926 to 1940, “agricultural cities” are designed in the country, among which is founded, in the southern area of the northern state of Chihuahua, a city named Delicias, whose main objective was the production of vine and cotton. However, by 1960, there was a change in production trends, due to external factors, that was understood and dealt with by the inhabitants, which allowed them to maintain their production process and even increase considerably their activity. Due to this attitude toward hardship, they would call themselves the "victors of the desert". This paper will describe the founding process of this rural settlement, as well as the territory it occupies and its current status. According to data from the Observatory of Archaeological Cultural Heritage-OPCA, 7% of the declarations of national heritage correspond to the natural category, 1% to declarations made to 'territories', and 23% of the cultural heritage is located or develops in rural contexts; however, at present no declaration of Cultural Landscape has been accomplished in Bolivia, considering that Law 530 of the Bolivian Cultural Patrimony, defines and incorporates this category in the classification of heritage. On the other hand, at the moment of integrating the notion of cultural landscape in the processes of territorial management and administration, it is necessary to identify which are the factors that can condition these actions. In this sense, the present work will focus on the identification and description of the impact of agrarian reforms in Bolivia in the territorial reconfiguration, being one of the factors that determine the human-nature relationship, through the use of land. The study scenery is the Kallawaya region that administratively includes the municipalities of Curva and Charazani, it is important to mention that the worldview of this culture is recognized as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (2003), and in its territory archaeological, architectural elements are preserved and productive - linked to traditional medicine, agriculture and livestock - as part of their cultural heritage, they are integrated into the natural context of the region that is characterized by its geomorphology, climate, and articulation from the different ecosystems that are part of this territory.
Paper Panel