Abstract (150 Words)

This study investigated information access patterns on desktops, tablets, and phones of a few different travel related websites through web log analysis. The results show that the three types of devices have different ratios of search traffic, referral traffic, and direct traffic. With a smaller screen on mobile devices, users visit fewer pages per visit, stay less time on the website per session, and have higher bounce rates. Content analysis revealed that travelers requested more specific information on mobile devices and general information on desktop computers, indicating information needs in late decision making stages on mobile devices.



Mobile Internet Access Patterns for Travel: Comparison of Desktops, Tablets, and Phones

This study investigated information access patterns on desktops, tablets, and phones of a few different travel related websites through web log analysis. The results show that the three types of devices have different ratios of search traffic, referral traffic, and direct traffic. With a smaller screen on mobile devices, users visit fewer pages per visit, stay less time on the website per session, and have higher bounce rates. Content analysis revealed that travelers requested more specific information on mobile devices and general information on desktop computers, indicating information needs in late decision making stages on mobile devices.