Leadership and Teacher Development

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    Portfolio of Professional Practice (PoPP) for Teacher Educators
    A PoPP is a collection of work that highlights and demonstrates my knowledge and skills of professional practice as a teacher educator. The rationale for creating my PoPP is to: Provide opportunities to set concrete goals for my practice as a teacher educator; Plan and articulate specific strategies to attain my goals of becoming an effective teacher educator; Serve as a learning instrument and provide structure by which to gather data; Reflect upon data and guide improvements in my professional practice as a teacher educator; Offer the opportunity to critique my work and evaluate the effectiveness of my practice as a teacher educator; Capture the complexities of my professional practice as a teacher educator; Create collegial interactions based on documented practice accounts; Document individual growth, excellence and talents of professional practice as a teacher educator.
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    Teacher Educator Enhancement Strategy (TEES)
    This teacher educator enhancement strategy (TEES) aims to create a comprehensive and holistic enhancement system that meets the needs of Ministry of Education personnel and teacher educators. This document lays out the preliminary enhancement design in order to solicit feedback and insights from Leadership and Teacher Development (LTD) program stakeholders. The strategy includes: 1) the enhancement program goal and objectives; 2) the principles and rationale that drive the enhancement program; 3) the necessary tools to be created; and 4) the detailed operational enhancement methodology and design.
  • Publication
    Portfolio of Professional Practice (PoPP) for Teachers
    A PoPP is a collection of work that highlights and demonstrates my knowledge and skills of professional practice as a teacher educator. The rationale for creating my PoPP is to: Provide opportunities to set concrete goals for my practice as a teacher educator; Plan and articulate specific strategies to attain my goals of becoming an effective teacher educator; Serve as a learning instrument and provide structure by which to gather data; Reflect upon data and guide improvements in my professional practice as a teacher educator; Offer the opportunity to critique my work and evaluate the effectiveness of my practice as a teacher educator; Capture the complexities of my professional practice as a teacher educator; Create collegial interactions based on documented practice accounts; Document individual growth, excellence and talents of professional practice as a teacher educator.
  • Publication
    Teacher Educator Enhancement Workshop 1 Agenda
    GOAL: To present and practice the overall principles and tools of the TEEP program (Learning Circle development, Action Research Inquiry, and Portfolio development) OBJECTIVES: At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: Recognize multiple ways of knowing, learning, teaching, and approaching problems of practice State sources of information about problems of practice State approaches to address problems of practice Define and describe the Action Research Inquiry Cycle Use the Action Research Package to practice AR between workshop days Define and describe the use of the Portfolio of Professional Practice Explain what are useful data that constitute credible AR and portfolio evidence DURATION: 2 groups of Teacher Educators, all disciplines 2 days - 6 hours per day Refer to table below for the revised schedule for Arabic, English, Math, Science & Technology Teacher Educators
  • Publication
    Teacher Educator Enhancement Orientation - Workshop 1 Facilitator's Guide
    These notes outline the goal and objectives of each workshop, the necessary materials, the preparation needed, and learning activities conducted during the trainings for the five disciplines (Arabic, English, Math, Science, and Technology). The notes model the principles of “Learning Circle” development, “Action Research”, and “Portfolio of Professional Practice” use. The agenda describes a participatory enhancement design where participants practice the essential techniques. The agenda details how to introduce and work with the tools mentioned above. Teacher educators participate in LCs that involve four workshop sessions, action research projects, and on-going intersession meetings in order to master LC development, action research, and portfolio strategies that they will then implement with grades 5-10 teachers through in-service modules. Workshop 1 highlights the methodology and design of the TEEP: TEEP LC development, AR inquiry cycle, and Portfolio of Professional Practice:
  • Publication
    Leadership & Teacher Development: Teacher Educator Enhancement Program Workshop 1 - Day 2
    Slides from TEEP Workshop. Objectives include •Articulate what you have learned about conducting AR •Articulate remaining questions you have about AR •Identify supports and barriers to implementing Learning Circles and AR with in-service teachers •Define and describe the PoPP •Adapt the modules 1 and 2 of the PoPP to your own practice •Describe the next steps for conducting your AR projects •Understand your assignments in the intersession Teacher Educator Learning Circles
  • Publication
    Leadership & Teacher Development: Teacher Educator Enhancement Program Workshop 1 - Day 1
    Slides from TEEP Workshop 1. Workshop objectives include •Identify the elements and conditions for creating a supportive Learning Circle •Recognize and indicate multiple ways of knowing, learning, teaching, and approaching problems of practice •State sources of information about a problem of practice •State concrete approaches to address a problem of practice •Define and describe the Action Research Inquiry Cycle •Use the Action Research Package and the Action Research Tool to plan a small scale Action Research project •Identify the steps and procedures for conducting small-scale AR projects
  • Publication
    Professional Development Based on Inquiry - TEEP Conference Agenda
    Monday 23/6/2014 at 8:30am in the Conference Hall at Al Azhar University Opening Session: Presided by Dr. Mohammed Abelwahed First Session: Personal Experiences Break and Poster Session Second Session: A workshop about the role of the inquiry cycle in professional development Third Session: Panel discussions on selected educational topics Recommendations and Certificate Distribution Lunch
  • Publication
    Learning Circles Face-to-Face Template
    This is a template for a group learning activity. It includes Welcome, Objectives, Agenda Reflection (Ordered Sharing) Learning (Reflective Study) Regrouping Planning (Commitment to Action Research / AR) Consolidation & Action
  • Publication
    Action Research Tool (ART)
    The ART is a resource for teacher educators and teachers to use when planning, conducting and reflecting on their own action research projects. Action researchers can use this step-by-step tool as a guide. 1. Reflect 2. Plan 3. Action 4. Assess / Evaluate
  • Publication
    Leadership and Teacher Development in Palestine
    In September, 2012, the Center for International Education (CIE) in the College of Education was awarded a $1 million sub-contract from AMIDEAST, with USAID West Bank & Gaza funding, to help with the reform of teacher education in the West Bank and Gaza, Palestine. The project, Leadership and Teacher Development, is a comprehensive education reform initiative focused on supporting the Ministry of Education and Higher Education's national effort in teacher development. The overall goal is to improve the quality of education through a comprehensive approach to leadership and teacher development, concentrating on in-service teachers in grades 5-10, principals, and supervisors, and the macro policy context.
  • Publication
    Tips on Facilitation for Teacher Educators
    23-item list of tips on facilitation, in both English and Arabic. For example 1. Implement a system that encourages every person to participate in discussions and activities. Provide a structure for participation. 2. Come to the workshops/training well prepared. Have all the materials and handouts you will need. 3. Make yourself approachable to participants by greeting them, learning their names, having informal conversations with them.