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CIE implemented a sub-contract worth $470,000 from AmidEast, with USAID West Bank & Gaza funding, to help reform teacher education in the West Bank and Gaza. [Pictured above: the UMass and AmidEast project teams] The project ran from July 2012 through June 2015. The project, Leadership and Teacher Development (LTD), was a comprehensive education reform initiative focused on supporting the Ministry of Education's national effort in teacher development. The overall goal was to improve the quality of education through a comprehensive approach to leadership and teacher development, concentrating on in-service teachers in grades 5-10, principals, and supervisors, and the macro policy context. The four major objectives of LTD were:
This document was prepared under a sub-contract from AMIDEAST with funding from USAID/West Bank and Gaza under the USAID Cooperative Agreement 294-S12-00. No official endorsement should be inferred.
- Capacity of school principals, supervisors and teachers to improve classroom instruction is enhanced
- National cadre of high-quality teacher and leadership educators is created
- Policies, structures and systems within key Ministry of Education departments supporting leadership and teacher development are created and harmonized
- Pre-service teacher education in Gaza is enhanced
CIE was responsible for implementing four components: the Teacher Education Enhancement Program (TEEP in the West Bank and Gaza), Strategic Planning for the Faculty of Education at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and a Study Tour for Senior Officials. The PI for this project was Gretchen Rossman; Co-PIs were Sharon Rallis and Joe Berger. The team visited Palestine several times to deliver workshops to teacher educators and to collaborate with Ministry officials in discussions about formative teacher and supervisor performance assessments.
Materials in this folder should be cited as follows:This document was prepared under a sub-contract from AMIDEAST with funding from USAID/West Bank and Gaza under the USAID Cooperative Agreement 294-S12-00. No official endorsement should be inferred.